

Job site safety is important each day, but summer months bring about seasonal safety concerns that you need to be aware of to keep your workers healthy and productive.

Extreme heat is the cause of thousands of workplace deaths each year, and workers must be aware of the temperature change to stay safe and healthy. Fortunately, there are a few ways to make summer safety at the job site easy.

3 Tips to Keep Your Workers Safe During Summer Months

You must do everything you can to mitigate the harsh effects of sizzling summer temperatures, so your workers stay safe.

  • Make Hydration Effortless

Proper hydration is crucial to regulating your body temperature. To help workers stay safe during hot summer days, do what you can to provide cold water for your workers. You can recommend your workers pack cold bottles of water if they do not have access to other hydration stations for long periods of time. As a guide, a worker should drink at least one liter of water an hour if they stay active in the summer heat.

  • Encourage Lighter Meals

During the heat of the day, workers must replenish their calories, but eating lighter meals can keep them safer. Meals with higher water content and nutritional value, like fruits and vegetables, will keep them energized and full, but won’t weigh them down or make them sluggish.

  • Create Regular Breaks

Do the best you can to rotate workers, so they get the bulk of their work done outside the hottest time of the day. When this is not feasible, be sure to schedule regular short breaks for your workers to stay hydrated and cool down before getting back to work.

Find Strong & Reliable Summer Workers

Are you looking for seasonal workers this summer? Contact Cabildo Staffing for expert help to fill the open positions at your company.

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