
The construction industry is inherently dangerous. Each year, workplace injuries and even fatalities in the construction industry are more than any other. Therefore, it’s no wonder that safety is a top priority for managers.

Even though it’s a serious matter, it doesn’t have to be complicated.

Craft a Plan

Each job site is different, so you should create a site-specific safety plan. A good time to create your safety plan is when you build the schedule of the project. As you create the schedule, you can consider how each phase will demand different safety requirements, procedures, or personal protective equipment (PPE).

Creating a safety plan, along with your schedule in advance, will help you plan ahead and always have safety as a main focal point.

Stage for Safety

As a manager on a job site, you will help stage it for storing equipment, receiving deliveries, and other important needs to execute the job properly. You should also consider staging it for safety equipment. From PPE to first aid supplies, safety stations will help your workers stay safe and focused.

Set up zones and access points that will make the job site even safer. Limiting access to certain areas of the job site will eliminate unnecessary distractions, which can lead to major hazards.

Have Safety Meetings & Toolbox talks

When you start a project, have a safety kickoff meeting to go over initial training and all other important safety protocols. This is also an important time to discuss expectations with the team.

After the initial meeting, it’s also important to be sure your workers retain the information by having smaller, regular check-ins or “toolbox talks.” These can help keep safety top of mind and prevent accidents.

Provide Supervision

Safety is everyone’s responsibility on the job site, but you must designate a supervisor who is responsible for enforcing safety measures and protocols. Many job sites are also equipped with drones, cameras, or wearable technology to help supervise the safety of workers.

Safety is incredibly important on any job site. Do your best to implement high-quality safety measures and encourage employees to speak up when they witness possible hazards or unsafe conditions.

Find the Right Workers for Your Company

If you need to staff your project with more workers or add full-time employees to help your company reach your goals, contact Cabildo Staffing.

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